individualized support
Grow offers a variety of treatment and supportive options. With services ranging from evidence-based mental health therapy to more intuitive alternative approaches to mental wellbeing, our clinicians work hard to make sure we meet your needs. Treatment begins with thorough assessment of your needs and hopes for treatment, then develops an individualized plan to help you reach your goals.
Our specialty is providing care for those who have not had effective treatment elsewhere. We strive to be the most effective service available in the Kirksville area, and collaborate closely with other treatment providers to insure referrals are available when needed. We work hard to maintain a strong network of professional connections for consultation and support.
Read on below to learn about some of the specific offerings currently available!
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It has a wide research base supporting effectiveness and is commonly used with trauma victims, police/fire/EMS/rescue, healthcare professionals, and those who have had difficult childhoods or relationships whose memories seem to linger and affect many parts of their lives. EMDR is a brain-based treatment, where we activate specific pathways in your mind to allow your brain to restore natural mechanisms for healing. It is very safe, can be quicker than other treatments for certain types of trauma, and clients report high satisfaction with the process. It is highly effective in treatment of complex trauma.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy is an evidence-based treatment program to help you gain control over your emotions, improve your ability to handle stress without making things worse, be more effective at relationships and getting your needs met, and reduce feelings of emptiness, loneliness, and isolation by strengthening your sense of self. DBT is not a short treatment, but rather a year-long commitment to a program proven to save lives and help individuals create a life worth living. There is an application and orientation process you will go through before making the commitment, so we can both be sure DBT is the right treatment for you. DBT is often used to treat people who have Borderline Personality Disorder, addiction, those who can't control their reaction to trauma triggers, people who have often and consistently struggled with self-harm, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and impulsive behavior. Anyone who struggles with handling strong emotions, feels empty and alone a lot, finds themself constantly in hot or cold relationships, fears abandonment, or struggles to manage stress without making things worse will likely benefit from DBT.
Spiritual Life Coaching
The way our society functions often results in individual feelings of burnout, disconnection, and lack of intimacy with those around us. Many people report strong desire for spiritual growth, but may not have found that in a traditional Christian church setting. In rural communities such as ours, other options are often limited. Here at Grow, you will find an opportunity to explore deeply held beliefs, expand your awareness, stretch your understanding of self, others, and the Divine, and ultimately enhance the way you operate on a soul level. Spiritual coaching here strives to remain nonreligious, while carefully considering and integrating the specific faith background you adhere to in order to help you reconnect with your Higher Power. Spiritual coaching is not limited to a religious context. It can deeply benefit those who identify as atheist or those who are unsure of their beliefs. Individuals seek spiritual coaching for assistance in finding a path, increasing feelings of connectedness, and seeking discernment for the future. Individual coaching and opportunities to create community with like-minded individuals are both available.