There are a lot of reasons people give for not wanting to take part in group therapy. Many therapists even have difficulty with groups, saying they don't like leading them or find them frustrating! Here at Grow, we have a different mindset. Our culture has become so individualized that we've lost many valuable aspects of community interaction. Without interaction, accountability, and shared experience, culture as a whole is becoming more suspicious, polarized, depressed, lonely, ashamed... add your adjectives here. People do better in community.
At Grow, we want to get back to the basics of doing what works. While group therapy may not be a great fit for every client, we value the learning that comes through a larger community. Here are a few reasons why:
positive peer influence
Everyone involved in groups at Grow has indicated a desire to grow, change, or heal. Spending time with people who have similar goals and experiences is proven to reinforce your commitment and improve your motivation to continue making positive changes in your life.
firsthand practice
Groups allow you to take tools you’re learning in therapy and apply them in a more natural setting with peers, while still having the safety net of a therapeutic team to guide you in figuring out how to do what works. Much like how kids learn social behaviors on the playground that they will later use in school and at their job, groups are a great “practice round” between individual therapy and your day to day life. You can try out new skills, then ask questions of your peers and therapy team about what they observed.
but what if i'm anxious in groups?
Social anxiety is one of the most common reasons people are referred to group therapy! Research shows us that exposure and practice are very effective in helping people overcome anxiety. However, you will never be put in a group you aren’t willing to participate in. If your therapist feels group work could help you reach your goals, they will help you develop the skills needed to overcome your fear and be successful before starting group therapy. We are committed to doing what works, and if groups don’t work for you, no sweat! Other treatment options are available.
you are not alone
Feeling isolated is a common theme among people who seek out counseling. Meeting with and growing alongside others who experience similar difficulties helps people not just see but also feel and understand they are not alone in their experience.
cost effectiveness
Group therapy allows you to receive more therapeutic services at a lower cost. We know it can get expensive if you need more intensive help and individual therapy is the only option available. Adding in group work can be a valuable addition to your recovery.
real life observation and interaction
Growing and interacting in a group setting under the supervision and guidance of a Grow team member allows your therapist and their team to see how you handle interpersonal interaction. Participating in group can give your treatment team valuable insight into behaviors you may not realize are occurring, or don’t know how to describe. Additionally, being part of a group allows you to receive feedback from others who are learning the same skills as you, giving you the benefit of a social community to support you in growth.